Daphne Clair de Jong First Kiss Contest

Daphne Clair de Jong First Kiss Contest

$ 12.00

The Daphne Clair de Jong First Kiss Contest is named for long time RWNZ member Daphne Clair de Jong. The Northland branch of NZSA have offered the first and only prize of $150 for the best first kiss scene.

OPENING DATE:              

01 November each year. Entries via website only

CLOSING DATE:              

Midnight New Zealand time, 30 November each year.


The contest is for a First Kiss scene of 1500 words, by computer count, including any chapter headings or section divisions, etc. PLUS a 250 word introduction of the scene. Both pieces will be judged.

Entries must be in size 12 Times New Roman or Courier, double spaced and justified. The set-up is up to 250 words and should be at the beginning of the entry. The scene, which can’t exceed 1500 words, should follow, starting on a new page.

The title, sub-genre, and page numbers should be in the header.


Both published and unpublished writers are eligible to enter this contest but all entrants must be current financial members of RWNZ.

ENTRY FEE:                  

NZ$12.00 per entry. This entry fee is not refundable under any circumstances, and the entry is not complete until it has been paid.


Up to two entries will be accepted from each entrant. A separate entry form and entry fee is payable for each manuscript entered i.e. you will have to do them one at a time.


Entries will be read by five judges. The top score and the bottom score will be dropped, with the remaining  scores averaged to determine the finalists.


Laura Pink.

PRIZES:          Only one prize of $150              
QUERIES TO:                  Contest Manager


Completing and submitting an entry document through this form certifies your electronic signature of the contest waiver.


Ensure your name does not appear anywhere on the manuscript

Placed a header on every page, with title, sub-genre, and page number

Ensure that the electronic word count for the submitted scene is not more than 1,500 words, and the setup is not more than 250 words

Saved the entry as a Word (.doc or .docx) file and

Complete the entry from below and upload your entry.

This product can only be purchased by members. To purchase this product, sign up by purchasing Member Subscription, or log in if you are a member.


1. The contest is a 1500 First Kiss Scene

The contest is for a First Kiss scene of 1500 words, by computer count, including any chapter headings or section divisions, etc. PLUS a 250 words overview to the scene. Both pieces of writing will be judged.

2. Entrants

Both published and unpublished writers are eligible to enter this contest but all entrants must be current financial members of RWNZ.

3. Entry conditions

Entries must be previously unpublished (includes publication in Liaisons, RWNZ’s in-house magazine). Entries may include a wide variety of themes, such as mystery, humour, relationships and family issues, with warmth an important factor. All stories must contain a romantic thread or element. An author may submit up to two entries, and alternative versions of the same entry are not permitted. A separate completed online entry form must be completed for each entry, with a separate entry fee of $12NZ is payable for each entry.

Entries must be as near to 1500 words as possible but no longer, verified by computer count. This count will include any chapter headings and/or section divisions, etc. Stories of longer than 1500 words and a 250 word introduction will result in disqualification of the entry.

All rights to entered manuscripts remain with the entrant.

4. Judging

Entries will be read by five RWNZ Member judges. The top and bottom scores will be dropped and the remaining three scores averaged.The number of finalists is dependent on the number of entries received: up to 15 entries—3 finalists; 16-20 entries—4 finalists; 21 plus entries—5 finalists. The finalists will be judged by an editor or agent TBC.

5. RWNZ decisions are final
Failure to comply with any or all of these rules may result in the entry being not accepted or disqualified.

Daphne Clair de Jong First Kiss Rules and General Contest Rules both apply
These Rules are to be read and followed in conjunction with the below General Contest Rules for all entrants.

View the online score sheet here:

Click the link below to download the Required Entry Format for the Daphne Clair de Jong First Kiss Contest.

